Press release

 Press release-14-03-2023

For immediate release

Ekuthembeni crisis care center announces the launch of a support group program.

Ekuthembeni crisis care center launch a suppor group program at kwandengezi community hall 

for young girl who are mothers to talk about their challenges of being a young mother. The 

program will take place at the kwandengezi community hall on 26-03-2023 @ 9:00 am

"We as ekuthembeni have noticed a gap in the society that young mothers don't have the 

necessary support they need to able to be mothers and still continue with school to ensure them a 

bright future. We noticed a high drop out rate in high school therefore this program aims to 

encourage young girls to stay in school. " says director of ekuthembeni

The organization also works the lifeline to provide skills to these young girls and women to 

remain in school. We encourage the society to be part of this amazing progra
